“We found a cameraman.” Yamapi’s voiced echoed dully across the campsite. Koyama spun around to look at Yamapi and Shige. Shige was not smiling; he walked across the grounds and pressed his face into Koyama’s shoulder without saying a word. Koyama was going to laugh and push him away jokingly, but then he looked up at Yamapi. Yamapi smiled bitterly.
“He looked sort of like a bear ate him. Or, like, a monster.” He said simply.
Koyama wound his arms around Shige and pulled him close. Stupid, really, like that could help.
На этом месте я решила прерваться на какие-нибудь домашние дела...
UPD: Чем дальше чем страшнее >___<
UPD2 ДАРК. Определенно. Опять. Да еще и Death впридачу.
Я дочитала. никому не советую